Hello All, May the divinity reside in us and we are able to find the ultimate truth - Chareveti Chareveti!
I had a chance to go to Bangalore ashram of AOL some 2 years ago, i wanted to pen down my experience at that time but some how i didn't.
Today it i feel like writing to create awareness to help seekers if at all am any useful.
As assertive AOL teachers are one of my friends who happens to be a teacher asked me to go to Bangalore Ashram for advanced course. I did go. I had reservation for dormitory as rooms were filled.
As i reached there people welcome "Welcome home' but within minutes people who had come for dormitory could see a differential treatment in terms of cards offered and place of registration.
All around the campus i didn't notice any other god's photo just the Sri Sri, big posters across the campuses, to my surprise such mass marketing.
in advanced course you are supposed to be on silence, but in the evening singing bhajans were allowed perhaps to maintain some entertainment whereas truth as per Jiddu Krishnamurthy is a serious matter, its not a matter of entertainment. Silence is maintained to create peaceful energy within the body to help meditations, but i never experienced that calm energy due to noise in the evening.
Dormitories were full of people you could just somehow pass the night. although they were cleanly maintained but number of people was more than necessary.
inside the campus there were clothes (of not very fine quality) neither were those any concessional. they had good price tag. Even the books published under Art of Living label are costlier than necessary see that for yourself.
while Sri Sri talked from stage his associated would come up and talk about the products like shampoos and creams on offer this was funny. They talked about their new colleges for MBA etc
asking people to refer friends, no body uttered anything for children who are needy if there was any social responsibility carried out by those colleges in education?
Once i left my wallet at the dormetory, i told the person at tea stall within the campus that i don't carry wallet to pay for tea, i couldn't believe that lady denied me giving a cup of tea without money and she seems 'educated' and English speaking woman! serving people in their 'Welcome Home'
and must be a follower of sri sri himself.
The food stalls inside charged good price for anything you like to eat i mean a common man has the only option to eat at the kitchen, which was included in the advance course fee.
During the session the teacher's would ask in the middle who has done this course that course , would appeal people to register for different courses, i mean what the heck!
a lot of time i spent sleeping am unsure if that was the food that i was eating in kitchen or what.
They would keep propagating the collective meditation has benefits and all that, though Jiddu Krishnamurthy has stated you cant meditate collectively, the path to truth is walked alone, meditation is done alone in silence.
Look at the photos of all these guru's very well photoshopped, in persone hardly any of them is as good looking;)
All this gurudom propaganda is only making people slave and dependent on somebody else to help the search of truth...this will never help the search of truth, yes it does certanly help you to get acquainted with indian origin culture which itslef is great like a people tree, all these guru's are only en cashing bits and pieces of a great culture
Why not somebody makes audit of their income and make them pay the taxes!
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